Ok, natural vistas are pretty spectacular too, but we'll save that for another time. For this post it is the feats and force of the body that makes me go "wow" and trust me when I say I get very emotional when the Olympics come around.
I was so, so stoked to have seen Compagnie Marie Chouinard's Henri Michaux: Movements, during the CINARS Biennale. Chouinard is seen above explaining concept: dancers follow Michaux's illustrated figures from his 1952 book, as if it were transcribed choreography. It was kinetic, wild and exhilarating. Watch a clip here.
Bang! Bang!
Cirquantique's Bang! Bang! Cabaret Prohibition featured plenty of saucy and sexy burlesque and circus oriented feats. Arial work always impresses! Above (literally!) on the corde lisse is Lili la terreur.
More from Bang! Bang! Melodie Martin Couture on the fixed trapeze
And finally if you wanted to have inspiration for getting buff/ripped/jacked, while yelling your lungs out and having sweaty palms all in one evening, then Tour de Bloc is for you. We watched with bated breath as the men and women of Canada's bouldering elite conquered plastic at Allez-Up, (who was showing off their new facilities.) In the foreground: Marine Cusa and in the background Cloé Legault.
Phew...I'm pooped now.