Recently I was asked to document a two-day Rube Goldberg machine making-a-thon at Robocut Studios, a multidisciplinary one-stop-make-it-all shop. From conception to digital fabrication, to CNC milling, to laser cutting, 3D printing, prototyping and electronics, Robocut covers the gamut of design needs. To show off these skills in a kooky and fun way, the studio participated in Printemps Numérique, a three-month long initiative to unite and showcase Montréal's digital creatives. A group of participants (with and without previous experience) signed up to conceptualize, design and realize a Rube Goldberg machine using electronics and good old mechanics.
A text message was sent to the omnipresent Cloud asking "Hey girl, would you like a gin and tonic?" triggered a circuit and began the chain reaction which resulted in the mixing of the aforementioned drink. Success!