Main Tabs


Atelier b

On a rainy Montreal evening, designers Anne-Marie Laflamme and Catherine Métivier rolled out the new identity for their ethical women and menswear label atelier b.
Design and identity work was by Nouvelle Administration with photographs by LM Chabot.
Merriment, wine and design equals good times.


Dia : Beacon

Oh the breathtaking Dia:Beacon!
Although my art romp through the Hudson Valley was a month or two back, I could not not share some images from this magical wonder of contemporary art.  I had major love goggles on as I took in the art sprawled over the 300 000 square foot former factory building.  The gallery space itself-gah! I am without words-stunning? Inspiring? Deep sighs of joy worthy?

From the top:
Robert Irwin- Excursus: Hommage to the Square³
Sol LeWitt- from the Wall Drawing Series
Richard Serra- Elevational Wedge, 2001
Richard Serra- Union of the Torus and the Sphere (detail), 2001
Robert Ryman- Untitled, 1965
And a stolen photograph of a gallery patron contemplating a Robert Ryman