I only caught Kashink's giant man-creature in progress-a repeat visit to view the final wall is in the plans. Fun and colourful at first reading, dig a little more and learn that Kashink uses her art as activism with a sense of humour. Check out 50 Cakes of Gay and enjoy.
Oh man, this one is a good one. This is Bezt from the Etam Cru. I had a chance to sit and talk with Bezt while he contemplated the scarf's color and pattern which had gone through a couple of incarnations. At first grey with pattern, then brown with flowers, an attempt at a skull motif followed before it became the textured brown scarf seen above. Loving this.
photo by mark unterberger
The above piece is by an awesome friend, artist Kevin Ledo whose portraiture skills just blow my mind. The image is of an Edward Curtis photograph taken in 1923 of a Hupa woman. Ledo's figurative body of work often focuses on feminine icons, divinity and holiness. Ledo's newest wall fits right in.
I can't show the whole Mural Festival contingent to you, as these walls are way more amazing in real life, but if you're in Montreal you can find the rest here.