In November Bloc Shop hosted a competition in the 12th season of Tour de Bloc's Canadian bouldering series' eastern division. Yours truly was asked to capture the very photogenic sport-for my first time ever. Taking up the task, I contacted seasoned climbing photographer François Lebeau for some sensei-like advice. Over omelettes at Brooklyn Label Lebeau and I discussed lighting situations, shooting etiquettes and PocketWizards, filling my head with trepidation and antici...pation.
climber L: Florent Balsez R: Eveline Lapierre
climber: Sue Brumm
climber: Marc-Antoine Vigneault
climber: Clarrie Lam
climber: Ayo Sopeju
climber: Florent Balsez
While I had a couple of technical difficulties, I am pleased to say that I got a chalk-covered handful of images I was happy with. Whoo! Check out the whole series on Bloc Shop's Facebook page.