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Veggies & Compost

I had just finished preparing a quick snack and tossed the discarded bits into a bowl that resulted in this photograph.
I'll take this opportunity to do my yearly acknowledgement to the wonderful bounty that is our veggie baskets from Les Jardins d'Ambroise.  The thyme and eggplant make regular appearances but the lemon is definitely from the grocery store.

After I took this photo I took the bowl and tossed its contents into my Compost Montreal bin, made a mental note of gratitude for this service, as only several boroughs have the door to door pick-up service. I may have to wait until 2016 to get my compost picked up for free, but am very patient especially if it's done the right way.
Otherwise a quick google search for "sites de compostage communautaire montreal" will point you towards the many options where you can bring your compost material for free or low costs.
Small steps.
Or hey, you can build your own composter too!



I do collages
I like to organize things visually and catagorically
I think that's why Pinterest suits me
I've been spotting similar images in my Instagram following feed and piecing them together.
This is the first one that worked for me in a way that was more than just thematic.
Carved wood and a fig tree, a little retouching via VSCO cam.  A lightbulb went off.

Here are a couple more of the #inmyfeed series that got this all started (maybe I have some OCD tendencies too...)

top left Tyson Bodnarchuk top middle UNTTLD top right Lara Kaluza
middle left Patricia McNeil centre Kevin Ledo middle right Massivart
bottom left Elisabeth Olga Tremblay bottom middle Atelier B bottom right Angela

top left Charle Demers top right Cult MTL
botton Alizee CD


top left Martin Reisch top right Nicolas Blanchet
bottom left Sophie Desbiens bottom right III MNKYS

left Atelier B right WRG magazine




image from den of geek

One evening, during an endless browse through Netflix I was really excited to find Warp Films/Channel 4's wonderful Southcliffe.  I watched the four-part mini-series last year at TIFF without any prior knowledge to the work other than the fact that it was directed by Sean Durkin.  That was pretty much all I needed to know.

Like his work on Martha Marcy May Marlene, the dialogue is pared down to the minimum, the narrative is not so much plot driven, but rather character studies of people in exceptional conditions. In Southcliffe a shooting takes place and the series explores the psychological toll that is taken on the small town.  Painful, beautiful and slow moving were words that resonated as I left the screening.  It is works like this that truly lets the actors flex their thespian muscles and deliver heart wrenching performances.  It didn't hurt either that the images are stunning, with an overall grey heaviness of the English town.

So needless to say I'm ready to watch it all again.
May I recommend that should you have the luxury of watching this in one or two sittings that you do so?
Enjoy this great interview with Sean Durkin from Den of Geek.


swimwear syndrome

It is not this blog's M.O. to feature images of me so this post feels very narcissistic right now. I was asked to participate in a project featured in the August's issue of ELLE Quebec, regarding women's complexities towards swimwear.  The kicker? Find several non-model women who were willing to pose in front of the camera lens in a bathing suit.  While the idea made me extremely uncomfortable, I thought it was important to feature bodies on the printed page other than the VS Angels of the world.  Although, I would be lying if I didn't admit my brain is definitely conditioned to perceive willowy model bodies as being one form of "perfection."  This perception is a concept I play with in my art work with the use of store mannequins and a tongue firmly planted in cheek!

For the ELLE QC shoot we were asked to self-style, so I am wearing with great pleasure a bathing suit from Eres and all jewelry by Pearls Before Swine.  Enjoy some quotes from myself and two fellow non-models in the story Gaëlle Leroyer and Simone Fortin.