It is not this blog's M.O. to feature images of me so this post feels very narcissistic right now. I was asked to participate in a project featured in the August's issue of ELLE Quebec, regarding women's complexities towards swimwear. The kicker? Find several non-model women who were willing to pose in front of the camera lens in a bathing suit. While the idea made me extremely uncomfortable, I thought it was important to feature bodies on the printed page other than the VS Angels of the world. Although, I would be lying if I didn't admit my brain is definitely conditioned to perceive willowy model bodies as being one form of "perfection." This perception is a concept I play with in my art work with the use of store mannequins and a tongue firmly planted in cheek!
For the ELLE QC shoot we were asked to self-style, so I am wearing with great pleasure a bathing suit from Eres and all jewelry by Pearls Before Swine. Enjoy some quotes from myself and two fellow non-models in the story Gaëlle Leroyer and Simone Fortin.