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Veggies & Compost

I had just finished preparing a quick snack and tossed the discarded bits into a bowl that resulted in this photograph.
I'll take this opportunity to do my yearly acknowledgement to the wonderful bounty that is our veggie baskets from Les Jardins d'Ambroise.  The thyme and eggplant make regular appearances but the lemon is definitely from the grocery store.

After I took this photo I took the bowl and tossed its contents into my Compost Montreal bin, made a mental note of gratitude for this service, as only several boroughs have the door to door pick-up service. I may have to wait until 2016 to get my compost picked up for free, but am very patient especially if it's done the right way.
Otherwise a quick google search for "sites de compostage communautaire montreal" will point you towards the many options where you can bring your compost material for free or low costs.
Small steps.
Or hey, you can build your own composter too!